Stop Violence Against women in India
Aprroximately, 27933 cases against "violence against women" are registered every year in police stations of the state Rajasthan, India. Under the project, the miserable women in rural and urban regions that are victims of violence, outrage, dowry, exploitation & victimization are getting support by Rajasthan Samgrah Kalyan Sansthan, with the help of Global Giving UK. The victims are being rehabilitated by counselling and skill development training as well as the awareness message for the eradication of violence against women is also being delivered to the male dominated society on a large scale by rally, workshops, seminars, road shows, puppe shows, signature campaign, poster-wall painting, oath taking programs.
Demand of the project
More than 40 complaints for violence against women everyday, 10 complaints/cases of rape in every 24 hours and 3 dowry-death cases in every 48 hours are registered in police stations. It is not a fiction but these are the frightening statistics from Rajasthan, India. As per National Crime Record Bureau, 3285 rape cases, 15094 domestic violence cases have been registered in different police stations in the year 2013. 453 women were murdered of dowry in the state. These victim women don't have any support and help and hence they are exploited more & more. Most of these women don't have knowledge about their legal rights and this lack of awareness and ingnorance restrict them to raise voice against the exploitation.
To get women victims of violence legal support.
To make a difference in the approach of male dominated society.
To let women live a graceful life.
To unite the society against "violence against women".
To increase the level of confidence, moral and courage among women.
To develop a deserved environment in the society for women.
To aware the society against "violence against women" and social evils.
To reduce the matters of violence against women, victimization, exploitation and harassment.
To campaign "Her Voice" in the support of women.
To have workshops for sensitive issues as dowry system, child marriage, women right, sex-ratio.
To organise "Prevention of violence against women" in Pushkar fair and others by by road shows.
To motivate public by associating honorable personalities in "My selfie" and "User selfie" programs.
To deliver awareness message for "violence against women" in slums and remote villages by road shows, puppet shows, video show.
To unit public for the eradication of violence against women by organising signature campaign.
To make children aware for child marriage, save girl and many other such issues by poster competition.
To send post-cards with the support of public, public representatives and collegiate students to Prime Minister of the country in demanding of getting a strict law enforced to prevent violence against women.
To get an affidavit filled by public representative and villagers to prevent child marriage and sex-ratio.
To deliver awareness message in streets among public by poster, pamphlet, wall painting and other published material.
To provide free consultation to victim women in consultation centres.
To provide legal assistance to victim women of violence.
To organise violence againt women free awareness tour.
To organise legal right campaing for women.
More than 10000 people are associated with this campaign directly or indirectly.
Workshop has been organised for more than 50 matters related to violent against women.
More than 5000 postcards have been sent to prime minister to get a strict law enforced against "violence against women".
So many women have been benefitted with free consultation by family consultation centres.
School kids are making their parents awared of sex-ratio and child marriage.
The campaign is also getting support from social media.
Victim women of violence got rehabilitated by skill development training, handicraft, garment, bag making, beauty parlour, nurse and other activities.
It is being endeavored continuously to make some villages free from violence and child marriage.
Awareness message for the eradication of violence against women has been delivered to the society successfully by more than 60 road shows, street shows, tour(rally), puppet show, video presentations.